Samsung Privacy App

Creating a compelling story for a high-stakes pitch to Samsung



As privacy and security awareness was growing throughout the world, consumers were lacking confidence in companies’ abilities to protect their data. Samsung was looking for an opportunity to invest in protecting their users and their users' data. They were looking for a partner to integrate privacy and security features into their existing products to better protect their users from hacks and cyber attacks. 

Anonyome Labs was given a unique opportunity to pitch their newly emerging Sudo Platform products to them at their headquarters in South Korea.

In order to prepare this pitch, they needed an idealized version of their platform products and examples of how they could potentially integrate into Samsung's existing products and protect their users. 

Jun 2019 — Nov 2019

My Role
As a UX designer I collaborated with 3 other UX designers on my team to bring this project to life. I conducted user & app research, conceptualized user flows & jobs to be done, owned/designed the messaging section of the app, created in-depth prototypes and particpated in the creation of the final pitch & video.

The Team
Brittany Keller (me) — UX Designer
Sudeshna Pantham — Head of Design
Deyge Falanai — UX Designer
Wayde Mecham— UX Designer
Ande Reisman— UX Researcher

JD Mumford — CEO Stakeholder/Presenter

Project Goals

1. Provide examples of what end users can do with the solution and how it will protect them. 

2. Illustate how the solution can be integrated into Samsung's existing products, specifically their phones.

3. Develop a compelling pitch/video to highlight the solution's capabilities and how it will benefit Samsung's users. 


The Task

My team was tasked with creating a privacy solution to fill the gaps in Samsung's privacy offering.

We needed to figure out where the gaps were, how to best fill them using our existing privacy app capabilities, design the solution, and create a compelling pitch as to why Samsung should buy it from us.

We needed to detail how the solution would integrate with their protect, improve the lives of their users and improve the company's bottom line. 

We had to figure out how Anonyome's privacy & security capabilities could be used & combined to create a Samsung solution. 

Along with the solution its self, we needed to create material to be used to show off its capabilities, how they worked and how they would integrate into their existing products. 

My team of 4 designers worked in tandem over a number of months to create a large prototype highlighting features of the solution we came up with and how Samsung's consumers could use it.

We also created a  video putting it all together to be presented at a large pitch meeting at Samsung's headquarters in South Korea by our company's CEO.

The Process

Research →  JTBD & User Stories → Design → Prototype → Pitch

Unqiue Research Challenge

Samsung had only given us a brief insight about what kind of privacy and security solutions they were looking for. We decided to research the general privacy & security climate to get an insight as to what consumers were feeling and wanting. 

Consumer Research

What do consumers want?

Our user researcher gathered lots of useful information and statistics we could use when determining what consumers were most frustrated by and how to help improve their situations.

Based on the research conducted by our user researcher, we concluded that most every-day consumers felt like they had lost control of their data. 

They lacked confidence in companies’ abilities to protect their data and believed businesses were the most vulnerable to hacks and cyber attacks, but on the same note, they thought businesses were also best positioned to invest in protecting their private data.

In general consumers wanted more control over their data; how it was used and who was using it. 

Key Insights/Statsitcs

93% of consumers believe companies should be proactive about data protection.

90% of consumers want to control who can get information about them.

85% of consumers will not do business with a company if they have concerns about its security practices.

After getting a sense of the climate it was obvious as to why Samsung was pushing to add a privacy offering to their products. Consumers wanted it, competition was already adding it and Anonyome had been preaching about it for years. 

Now we needed to take a deep dive into Samsung's products to find where they could improve their privacy offering and improve their UX around it. 

Samsung Audit

Where can Sudo improve their offering? 

My team split up and conducted separate audits of Samsung's mobile offerings and native apps to see where the gaps were, keeping the user insights we established from the general market in mind. Once we had completed the audit individually, we came back together to compare our findings. We were able to see what others had discovered or missed, and created a list of holes we believed our privacy app could fill.

We also kept in mind what their competitor, Apple, was doing in the privacy realm and tried to find Samsung equivalents when going through their apps. Things like a safe browser, secure messaging and secure payments or cards. As well as how they handled user data collection and prevention.   

Gaps to Fill

They did not offer secure messaging or calling between users. 

Their native password manager, 'Pass' was difficult to navigate and access information from. 

They offered 'masked' virtual credit cards but did not have an easy way to use them online and pull their information up when checking out.

Users would have to download third party apps to blocks ads & trackers in their native private browser app, 'Samsung internet'. 

No alerting when an account's data had been breached or compromised.  

Filling The Gaps

We came up with 3 solutions to fill the gaps we found in Samsungs Privacy offering. 

- Encrypted Communications Suite; messaging, voice & video calling.
- Secure Account Manager with privacy protection alerting.
- Private Browser with integrated extensions. 

Jobs to Be Done & User Stories 

Creating a story. 

With the gaps we discovered in our research above and the insights we gained from the user research we began to craft stories around those problems, those gaps, and how our solution fit in. We wanted to create stories that would evoke a sense of empathy for Samsung's users and bring our solutions to life.

We created a persona that represented the average Samsung user to follow through 3 different stories with tasks to complete, each highlighting different sections of our solutions and their capabilities.

JTBD: Dating, Shopping and Privacy Protection
App Features: Secure Messaing, Secure Voice & Video Calling, Private Browser, Password Manager, Virtual Credit Cards, Private Email and Privacy Monitoring. 

A Little Bit of Background

MySudo is Anonyome's customer facing app. It is the all-in-one privacy  solution, offering users encrypted voice calls, video calls, messaging & email. As well as a private browser and virtual cards.

Visual Design

Make it better & make it beautiful.

Our plan was to use designs from MySudo's privacy features and improve on them. Without the limitations of development, we were able to fix the problems we knew were wrong with the original app designs and add features that would increase the UX of the product, making it the best it could be. The Samsung solutions were idealized versions of MySudo we had been thinking about for a long time. 

With these improved designs we wanted to incorportate easy, unobtrustive privacy features, while keeping the app feeling clean, simple, delightful and bright. 


Prototyping & User Flows

Putting everything together.

Once we had the stories planned out and the solutions designed, it was time to put them together to tell a story. We created user flows that doubled as storyboards for us to use when creating the prototypes. 

Shopping story showing off private browser. 

Dating story showing off encrypted communications suite. 

Privacy protection story showing off secure account manager. 

Our Final Solutions

Solution #1

Encrypted Communications

Samsung was mising end-to-end encrypted comms for their in-network communications; think messages between apple users. So we created a full end-to-end encrypted communications suite with messaging and voice & video calls.

Along with making all communications encrypted between Samsung users, we also added privacy features like self-deleting message, the ability to edit or delete sent messages. We made it easy to see who is another Samsung user and who isn't, due to message and call colors changing.

Solution #2

Secure Account Manager

Samsung's exist password manager, Pass, was clunky and missing some features that would infinitely raise the UX. We created a secure account manager that would allow them to create different and store accounts, logins, passwords, virtual cards, phone numbers, and emails in one secure place. 

In addition to the account manager we included privacy related features like breach notifications and options to help users solve the breached item, not just notify them about it.

We also included a 'privacy score' which will help users be safer online and understand more about their own privacy and how to keep themselves secure. 

Solution #3

Private Browser & Extensions

Samsung's exist password manager, Pass, was clunky and missing some features that would ifnitiely raise the UX. We created a secure account manager that would allow them to create different and store accounts, logins, passwords, virtual cards, phone numbers, and emails in one secure place. 

In addition to the account manager we included privacy related features like breach notifications and options to help users solve the breached item, not just notify them about it.

We also included a 'privacy score' which will help users be safer online and understand more about their own privacy and how to keep themselves secure. 

The Pitch

The final task.

We put together a video highlighting the solutions and their capabilities as our final task and sent the CEO off to Korea to present our sudo-solutions. The pitch was a success and Anonyome is still in talks with Samsung. 

If or when there is an opportunity for a second pitch, I would like to dive deeper into Samsung's privacy issues and get an insight as to what they wanted to add to the privacy offering or what they thought needed to be changed. 


One team, one dream.

Final Takeaways

I really enjoyed working on this project. Looking back, it was one of my favorite projects to date.

I loved diving into designing for mobile and having no limitations on what the product could do. But the best part was that it was the first project my whole team worked on together all at the same time. It was so much fun to collaborate with everyone and learn from each other.

Next Up: Customizable, Cross Platform Browsing Apps

Made with love

©BrittanyKeller 2023

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